We present a case study of Coquette, suffering from separation anxiety and sweet itch. The text was submitted by the owner.

HISTORY: I purchased Kokietka from a large Silesian horse breeding farm, where she was part of a large herd. Every stable change had a very negative impact on her, and there were as many as 4 changes over the last 3 years since I've had Kokietka. The changes were due to finding the best stable for her that would meet all the needs of the horse. Unfortunately, each time the herd in which she stayed became smaller.
PROBLEM: The problem appeared in the previous stable where she shared a paddock with only two other horses. Initially, everything seemed great, but later, when she realized how the horses went crazy during her absence from the paddock (going for a walk or even to the lunging circle, which was in the paddock), it ended with her escaping and returning to the herd. The problem intensified each time, and attempts to take small steps to move further away from the herd were unsuccessful. At one point, fear during strong winds was added (the horses ran around like crazy). The use of calming herbs had poor effects. On top of all this, Coquette suffers from sweet itch. The period from May to October is terribly difficult for us. In the worst moments, Coquette had to receive steroids. The horse turned into a wild mustang, running in circles, creating a danger for herself and others.
SUPPLEMENTATION WITH HEMPQUALIZER+: A change occurred in 2023 after introducing Hempqualizer+. In the previous stable, before leaving the paddock, Coquette received 2 ml of the supplement and we could calmly go for walks even during strong winds and gradually increase the distance from the horses. Even though the horses left in the paddock ran along the fence, Coquette was able to stay calm and her escapes to the herd stopped. 2023 is also a breakthrough year for us regarding sweet itch. This is the first year in which Coquette did not have to be given steroids!
We had one episode when I already had the phone in my hand with the veterinarian's number selected. There was a plague of insects and despite the fact that 99% of the sweet itch symptoms had subsided, for Coquette it was too much stress and fear caused by the insects. She started trotting back and forth again, and I was unable to catch her to put on a halter and apply insect repellent or put on a blanket. I was only able to quickly administer Hempqualizer+ with a turbo syringe, and after 30 minutes, the horse finally stood still.