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We present a brief but very informative case study of a horse suffering from RAO and being somewhat restless before riding.

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JOHN DOE, 8 YEARS, WIELKOPOLSKA BREED, RAO (the image does not represent this specific horse)

HISTORY: Regularly training horse, jumping up to class N. Recently diagnosed with an allergy and the onset of RAO. SYMPTOMS: Coughing (especially intensified during riding)

PREVIOUS TREATMENT: So far, we have used inhalations and mucolytic herbs, which helped temporarily.

RESULTS OF SUPPLEMENTATION WITH HEMPQUALIZER+: We started taking Hempqualizer+ at a dose of 1 ml per day, which was also administered before riding, as the horse can be skittish. With regular administration, a significant calming of the horse was observed, as well as a reduced frequency of coughing and even a complete disappearance of coughing (after using half of the package). Despite the recommended break from the supplement, the coughing has not recurred."

This translation is designed for English-speaking horse owners and professionals, providing clear information about the horse's condition and the effects of Hempqualizer+ supplementation.

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