Working with young horses is not just about building their physical condition but also shaping their emotions and reactions to the surrounding world. Karat, a five-year-old gelding of the Polish Sport Horse breed, is a perfect example of this. As his training progressed and he began competing in working equitation events, unexpected behavioral problems emerged – frustration, stiffness, and even outbursts in stressful situations. His story demonstrates that understanding a horse’s emotions and providing the right support can work wonders. In this post, Karat’s owner shares her experiences with introducing Hempqualizer+, which helped Karat find inner peace and improved their partnership. Enjoy the read!

Karat has been with me for about 2.5 years and has been in consistent dressage training for the past year. He has also started competing in working equitation events.
The Problem
As training progressed and his physical strength grew, frustration problems began to surface, especially when introducing new exercises. While Karat is not typically a spooky horse, he found an outlet for his adolescent emotions in stiffness, bucking, and lifting his front end, particularly when triggered by something he “should spook at” (other bucking horses, cars, umbrellas, etc.). The problem was especially noticeable during training sessions in new environments.
The Effects of Hempqualizer
We first tried the product during the transitional autumn period when emotions were at their peak. :) Systematic, calm work combined with Hempqualizer resulted in a significantly more cooperative horse. After just a few uses, a notable improvement was visible – fewer “rebellions” and much better focus on the aids.
I should note that before introducing Hempqualizer, we ruled out all possible pain, health, and equipment issues – the problems were clearly behavioral in nature.
Currently, I use Hempqualizer as needed. So far, I’ve noticed long-lasting effects after just a few days of use. Additionally, the product helped with veterinary training and changed Karat’s perception of tube syringes, which he previously associated with unpleasant deworming treatments. Hempqualizer seems to taste good to him. :)